Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another Late Night

Prayer, scripture, exercise, study, time with my grandchildren, study, time with family, rest.  Ahh the fruit of a busy day.  Who doesn't like to feel accomplished at the end of day to know that they completed what they set out to do.  Wish that were me.  I never seem to finish and night comes early like an intruder robbing me of energy and perseverence.  If anyone has a solution please pass it along.


  1. I am SO HAPPY that you are blogging. You have so much to share with so many. Keep. Writing.

  2. Hi my little Lillian. I think that I may enjoy this as it is very expressive and comes from the heart. Would you consider being our official blogger on the Africa New Life WEbsite regarding our trip?

  3. I think I need you to show me how to be more creative. Can we get together when you are here next?

  4. Keep writing dear friend. I believe you have something important in your heart. You surprise me with your a good way!

  5. Hello Ann, it is so great to hear from you. How can I reach you directly? I changed to gmail acct. with same oneladydoc. Would you email me so that I can email you back?
