Thursday, November 3, 2011

God Whispers

This week my dear friend Harriet told our small Bible study group that her sister, a woman firmly walking with Christ told her to respond to all those visions in her head, or voices that seem to come from nowhere but are consistent with the character of God.  She has been practicing this for a while now and honestly her beauty (she was beautiful before) but her beauty that comes from Christ is truly like a glow.  She has stepped out of her comfort zone on many occasions and God has blessed her with Himself as she is obedient.  I am going to begin this in a new and fervent way.  I challenge you to do the same.  When we seek Him, Him and not what he can do for us then He speaks louder and don't we all want to hear from God?
This morning God woke me from sleep and asked to me to love Him and so I laid my heard on my Bible and was just quiet, feeling His love and loving HIm back.  It's 4:12 am and I feel totally at peace and praising HIM whom deserves all glory.  Let's listen to Him by knowing Him.


Pamela Pyle